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Ongoing / Implemented Development Projects (ADPs): Recent Activities

A) Upgradation of Kushtia urban part of Jhenaidah-Kushtia-Pakshi-Dashuria National Highway (N-604) to 4-lane.

* DPP value: Rs. 56416.95 lakhs

*  Implementation period from 01 January 2020 to 31 December 2022.

* Date of approval by ECNEC: 10/12/2019.

* Total number of packages in the project: 5.

* The current financial year allocation is Rs. 4000.00 lakhs.

* Current financial year expenditure: 2000.00 lakhs.

* Cumulative financial progress of Rs. 4740.00 lakhs.

Description of the package included in the project:

1. Name: Widening, reinforcement, DBS base course, wiring course, hard solder construction, RCC box culvert construction, bus-bay, median, side road development and other ancillary works in the market segments from C + 21 + 565 to 34 + 600. Number: WD-01 Length: 13.025 km 05/04/2021 31/12/2022 7175.15 - 19.00% - Jahirul Limited Work in progress.

2. Name: Expansion, reinforcement, DBS base course, wiring course, construction of hard solder, construction of RCC box culvert and other ancillary works in the market segments from 34 + 600 to 41 + 000. Number: WD-02 Length: 6.40 km 10/11/2020 09/11/2022 3531.62 2640.00 82.00% 74.75% Rana Builders Pvt. Ltd. Work in progress.

03. Name: Existing pavement widening, reinforcement, DBS base course, wiring course, hardsolder, construction of RCC box culvert, construction of U-drain, cover / slab over existing drain, construction of footpath, construction of road divider and other accessories. Work. Number: WD-03 Length: 5.00 km: 04/11/2020 03/11/2022 14125.7 300.00 16.00% 2.12% Zahirul Ltd. Work in progress.

04. Name: Existing pavement widening, reconstruction, DBS base course, wiring course, hard solder, RCC box culvert construction, side road development, U drain, footpath construction, road divider construction and intersection development and other ancillary works. Number: WD-04 Length: 5.00 km: 16/11/2020 16/11/2022 1465.75 600.00 21.00% 4.63% Spectra Engineers Ltd. Work in progress.

05. Name: Expansion, Reconstruction, DBS Base Course, Wiring Course, Hard Solder Construction, Side Road Development, U Drain, Bus Bay, Road Divider, Median Footpath Construction, Road Divider Construction in Market Sections from 51 +000 to 72 + 600 Number: WD-05 Length: 11.60 km: - - - - - - - Work order is in process.

B) Upgradation project of Kushtia (Trimohani) -Meherpur-Chuadanga-Jhenaidah (R-845) regional highway from Kushtia to Meherpur at appropriate quality and width:

* Length of the project (Kushtia Road Division): 23.179 km.

* DPP Value (Approved Kushtia Roads Division): Rs. 306.48 lakhs (Approved by ECNEC on 01/08/2021)

* Implementation period (approved): 01-07-2021 to 31-12-2023 AD.

* Length of work (km): 6.40 km.

* Estimated value: Rs. 6060.95 lakhs.

* Tenders are in process.


WP-01 Chai: Widening, strengthening, rebuilding, hard solder construction, surfacing, New Jersey Barrier, 1 (33.00 m) bridge, 8 (42.00 m) existing pavement including earthworks in 0 + 600 to 6 + 000 m road embankment. ) Other works including construction of culvert, protection, RCC U drain, sign signal, km post, road marking, side road / intersection. 6.40 6070.95 Tender is in process of invitation.

WP-02 Chai: Construction of existing pavement with earthworks including 8 + 000 to 14 + 000 m road embankment, reinforcement, hard solder construction, surfacing, New Jersey Barrier, 1 (33.00 m) bridge, 6 (33.00 m) culvert construction, Other works including Defender, RCC U Drain, Sign Signal, Kimi Post, Road Marking, Side Road / Intersection. 6.00 7538.39 Tender is in process of invitation.

WP-03 Chai: 14 +000 to 23 + 69 m road embankment with existing pavement widening, strengthening, hard solder construction, surfacing, New Jersey Barrier, 1 (99.00 m) bridge, 6 (41.00 m) culvert construction, Other works including Defender, RCC U Drain, Sign Signal, Kimi Post, Road Marking, Side Road / Intersection. 9.779 and 11911.76 Tender is in process.

Construction of concrete bridge on the site of existing narrow and risky old concrete bridge / Bailey bridge on the highway under Khulna road zone.

Number and length of project bridges (Kushtia Road Division): 8 lengths 247.624 meters DPP Price (Approved) (Kushtia Roads Division): Tk 527.4222 crore (Approved by ECNEC on 18/08/2020) Implementation period (approved): 01-08-2020 to 30-06-2023 Package No. Road Name Work Length Estimated Price Comment Construction of 6 PC / RCC girder bridges on different roads under Kushtia Road Division under the project titled Construction of Concrete Bridges in place of existing narrow and risky old concrete bridges / Bailey bridges on highways under.

WP-11 Khulna Road Zone. 248.824 m 4759.23 inviting tenders.